Sunday, May 24, 2009

The path not taken...

Everyone in their life will have a time (or two, three, four) where a decision will clearly take them in one direction or another. A fork in the road if you be.

Before we got married, the hubby and I almost went in two different directions. He wanted to go one way and I was not willing to swallow my pride to stop him. We worked out our course in the end and I am sure you know where that path went to. Marriage, a new house, a new dog, a new job for one of us, and two children (these are just the highlights of course).

However, I am sure I am not the only one, I wonder where I would be had I taken the other road. I figure I would still live in our townhouse and it would be decorated in a fabulous, funky way that didn't have to take into consideration another person's perspective. I would have been home with my dog, Daisy, when she passed instead of on my honeymoon. I would have a fulfilling, absorbing, successful career. I would be a shopaholic and indulge in volunteering on my free weekends. My car would involve something with leather, 300hp, and six gears. Vacations would be with friends in exotic locales with ruins to visit and sights to see.

In real life, my house is definitely a compromise of functionality and desire. My job is dwindling due to economic reasons and my current lack of ambition. Shopping has taken a back seat to spending 30 minutes by myself relaxing and I just don't have it in me to give time for volunteering. My car is an SUV (ok, station wagon!) that I love but isn't drawing any looks of envy anytime soon and vacations involve somewhere that has a pool and kid friendly eating.

Of course, the things above are mostly assumptions. I could have stepped out of said townhouse one morning and got run over by the lawnmower, but I digress. My point is, is that while I wonder, dream and debate on what might have been it comes down to one thing: I love the road I have taken. I had my doubts at first but I love and embrace the chaotic life that I lead. My husband and my beautiful kids are the highlights of my day and I could not imagine any day without them. Even the dogs make my life (most of the time!) feel complete.

So cheers to all those who take the road less traveled, I am happy on this one :-)

1 comment:

Alan Taylor said...

Well done Em. Keep this up and you will entertain the world