Thursday, May 21, 2009


I try to eat healthy most of time but the fact is I eat too many carbs, not enough fruit, and too much sugar. My weaknesses include chocolate (good chocolate) and salty snacks (crackers or chips).

So in my quest for healthier snacks here are a couple that I have come across that I thought were worthy of sharing. I stress the word healthier because they are not what I would consider nutritious snacks. Food in it's natural form is much better for you (fresh fruit, raw vegetables, whole grains, etc) and while I do strive to eat these things I am never going to be that kind of healthy person.

I am the kind of person who will lick the chocolate off the plate when I get a good chocolate souffle
I am the kind of person who goes and swims for 45 minutes and follows it up with a Cadbury bar, some Cheez It's and a diet coke.
I am the kind of person who tries to eat as many organic things as I can but doesn't think twice about a burger and fries at Wendy's
I am the kind of person who is never happier than at mealtime (my husband comments on this all the time)
What kind of healthy person are you?

Now that you know not to expect too much below is my new favorite sweet snack. I am an absolute chocolate nut and this is a good alternative to eating an entire chocolate bar. I start with Stoneyfield Farm Organic lowfat yogurt in Banilla in a bowl, slice half a banana in and sprinkle with Ghiradelli chocolate chips. Totally awesome.

The next one is a good salty option instead of chips or crackers. I do have to put some in a bowl or I can easily eat half a bag before noticing. Trader Joe's Unburied Treasure Corn Puffs in Sour Cream and Onion (the cheddar cheese is just as good too). At $2 a bag you can't beat the price either.

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