Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newborn Survival Kit

I know a few people who are currently due to have babies any day now and it got me thinking about what I am going to get for the new additions to the family. The traditional gifts involve cute baby outfits, diapers, or stuff that your newborn couldn't care less about. Let's get real here people, the new Mom is the one that needs gifts. Here is what I wish someone had gotten me in a huge box for those first harrowing weeks (some serious, some wishful thinking):
  1. Huggies disposable washclothes (with the soap built in) and deodorant- because you never get enough time to take a proper shower and even when you do you'd rather take a nap instead
  2. Paper plates, disposable cups, and plastic silverware - who the hell wants to do dishes?
  3. Ponytail elastics - this is related to problem number one
  4. Mint gum and chapstick - this is also related to the lack of time for personal hygiene
  5. Earplugs - because if you are lucky enough to have hubby feed the baby at night you don't want to get woken up anyway
  6. Food - proper home cooked meals because you will be starving (especially if you are breastfeeding, I have been known to snack on a bowl of cold ziti in the middle of the night)
  7. A maid service - this may be the wishful thinking item but I did actually get this from my mom when Morgan was born and it was the most fabulous thing ever
  8. An outfit that you can sleep in and also go to the grocery store in (shoes too)
Food for thought for the next newborn gift you buy :-)

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