Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's a Miracle!

If anyone has a grumpy newborn I highly recommend the Miracle Blanket. As we speak, Leah is sleeping in it in her bouncy seat. At night she sometimes sleeps for six-eight hours straight!
Leah is finally starting to get in a routine of naps during the day. They are not at the same time or anything but at least she is sleeping. For the past eight weeks she has barely slept during the day (sometimes only 1-2 hours tops!). She has definitely been more difficult than Morgan and I have been so frustrated to the point of tears at least four days a week. It is a terrible thing when you get to the point of really resenting your children. The worst feeling in the world. Now she is starting to coo and smile and is generally much more content. Knock on wood. Now I have to go back to work in three weeks and I am sad that our time spent together was not all that happy.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

This to shall pass. Not to worry they are terrific little ones and Grandad and Grammy love them.