Friday, March 6, 2009

Melaleuca-Product of the Month

A couple of months ago I joined this company called Malaleuca that sells natural, eco friendly products as part of a monthly subscription type deal. It is also a company that sells these subscriptions using an 'Amway' sort of structure. Personally, I am not that interested in selling it to other people which is why I have not blogged about it until now. I am interested in buying and using their products because a lot of them have no chemicals or irritants in them.
I was skeptical when I signed up but I figured I could cancel at any time if I was not happy. So far I am totally impressed with what I have tried. The cleaners that they make are fantastic and clean better than the other eco-friendly cleaners that I have bought at the grocery store in the past. In particular, the dishwasher detergent, all purpose cleaner, and glass cleaner are great. They also have a line of shampoos and body washes that are Sodium Laureth Sulfate free (which is an irritant) that are really good.
They get a thumbs up from me :-)

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