Monday, February 2, 2009


I received the award below from my friend Heidi and so here is my response:

Honest Scrap award:
A) First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

So here's my list:

1. I only work three days a week but I still pay someone to clean my house every two weeks

2. Even after having two of my own, I still want to adopt a child

3. I eat healthy things about 80% of the time but I can stuff my face at Wendy's with the best of them and eat chocolate almost every day.

4. I always want everyone to like me

5. I have been known to yell at my 4 month old because she is a crier and sometimes I just can't hear anything.

6. I would probably be considered an easygoing person but have a terrible temper with a tendency to throw things at the wall.

7. I curse in front of my three year old because I just can't help myself sometimes

8. I am a good driver (no tickets in years and never an accident...knock on wood!) but I am a habitual back seat driver with my husband because I think he doesn't pay enough attention.

9. I am not good at confrontation

10. I am terrified to fly but do it anyway because I like to go different places and I want to be a good example for my kids.

I am afraid I don't follow enough blogs to send this to 7 bloggers...will have to find more followers!

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