Monday, June 14, 2010

Logic Update

So this Love and Logic experiment has turned into a weird mix of my do-what-comes-easier approach and the more strict approach that the book suggests. This is an overview of our successes and failures the past couple of weeks.....

Day 14 - Spends two hours crying and screaming about not wanting to wear underwear (with a dress!). Leah and I spend time outside playing waiting for her to come out, with periodic checks on her to make sure that no, she is not calm enough yet.

Day 16 - Complains, whines, and cries so much that Ryan leaves without her for a Phillies game. Unbelievable drama unfolds for the next half an hour but then surprising remorse is displayed.

Day 17 - Picks out a dress and shoes at a store that she insists she will wear. Wears the dress without issue but the shoes are 'too itchy'. I point out that if she does not wear the shoes at some point she will have to 'earn' back the money that I paid for them since they are not returnable. Morgan looks at me and then says 'ok, I will wear them later, just not today'. Still remains to be seen.

Day 18 - Got presented with so many choices that she was starting to look at me like I was crazy and indecisive.

Day 20 - Got dressed without issue for school, asked me nicely to braid her hair and packed her own lunch :-)

There were other small successes that I was proud of but my memory escapes me right now. Still plodding away....

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