Friday, February 19, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Survival Kit

For some reason I like to make up 'Survival Kits' in my head. I wrote a post about a Newborn Survival Kit here and it seems to get quite a bit of Google traffic. I am betting it is from new mothers who are up at 4am with a screaming child, desperate for something they can buy that will fix everything. Of course, they come across my useless post which makes them even more desolate but I digress....
Today would be day five of getting all my wisdom teeth out and it occurs to me that other people may be wondering how to survive this pain in the ass surgery. So here is the little list of things that have been immensely helpful:

It's the picture of Italian ice-cream in a sho...Image via Wikipedia

  1. Pain killers. I cannot stress this enough, take the damn pills.
  2. Soup. The Campbells Soup at Hand has been a life saver. I would avoid the broccoli one though because the little bits of veggies get stuck in your freshly split gums.
  3. Ice cream and popsicles
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Yogurt
  6. Applesauce
  7. Milk
  8. Baked beans
  9. Mashed potatoes
  10. Ice packs and warm packs for your face.
  11. Child size toothbrush and spoons. It is ridiculous how little your jaw will open. I still can barely fit an adult size fork in my mouth.
  12. Salt water. You swish with this after you eat anything.
  13. A baby sitter. The pain is bearable if you are laying in bed but it is excruciating if you have to focus and think about the kids.
  14. Don't watch any commercials on TV or read any food magazines. I am so hungry for real food it is actually painful to watch Rachael Ray.
I never realized how much I would miss eating salad until this week. I would kill for a good organic spring mix with cheese, tuna, chick peas, olives, veggies, and a good vinaigrette. The only two good things I can say about this experience is my excellent oral surgeon and the fact that I have lost two pounds in 5 days (I never lose weight!).

UPDATE: Two more things to mention....get this surgery done when you are young and heal quicker and don't get dry socket! Holy crap, my recovery from childbirth was better than the pain of dry socket. If you are unfortunate enough to get this, buy some clove oil (Eugenol) and go back to your dentist for a dressing that they tuck into the hole in your gums (Percocets didn't even make a dent). The pain was so bad I actually looked forward to going to the dentist and having him shove blissfully numbing gauze in a fresh wound.
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1 comment:

Eddie Storms said...

Nice survival kit, Emmeline! I guess the pain brought by tooth extraction is a good excuse to eat all your favorite foods. Actually, my Atlanta sedation dentist told me when I had an odontectomy a few months ago that I should do stuff that I really like to keep my head off the pain. You know what I did? I just watched TV the whole day while eating my favorite pizza and pasta combo. Ooh, life is good!