Everyone in their life will have a time (or two, three, four) where a decision will clearly take them in one direction or another. A fork in the road if you be.
Before we got married, the hubby and I almost went in two different directions. He wanted to go one way and I was not willing to swallow my pride to stop him. We worked out our course in the end and I am sure you know where that path went to. Marriage, a new house, a new dog, a new job for one of us, and two children (these are just the highlights of course).
However, I am sure I am not the only one, I wonder where I would be had I taken the other road. I figure I would still live in our townhouse and it would be decorated in a fabulous, funky way that didn't have to take into consideration another person's perspective. I would have been home with my dog, Daisy, when she passed instead of on my honeymoon. I would have a fulfilling, absorbing, successful career. I would be a shopaholic and indulge in volunteering on my free weekends. My car would involve something with leather, 300hp, and six gears. Vacations would be with friends in exotic locales with ruins to visit and sights to see.
In real life, my house is definitely a compromise of functionality and desire. My job is dwindling due to economic reasons and my current lack of ambition. Shopping has taken a back seat to spending 30 minutes by myself relaxing and I just don't have it in me to give time for volunteering. My car is an SUV (ok, station wagon!) that I love but isn't drawing any looks of envy anytime soon and vacations involve somewhere that has a pool and kid friendly eating.
Of course, the things above are mostly assumptions. I could have stepped out of said townhouse one morning and got run over by the lawnmower, but I digress. My point is, is that while I wonder, dream and debate on what might have been it comes down to one thing: I love the road I have taken. I had my doubts at first but I love and embrace the chaotic life that I lead. My husband and my beautiful kids are the highlights of my day and I could not imagine any day without them. Even the dogs make my life (most of the time!) feel complete.
So cheers to all those who take the road less traveled, I am happy on this one :-)
I have always had a lot to say. What better place to put it but on the internet :-)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I try to eat healthy most of time but the fact is I eat too many carbs, not enough fruit, and too much sugar. My weaknesses include chocolate (good chocolate) and salty snacks (crackers or chips).
So in my quest for healthier snacks here are a couple that I have come across that I thought were worthy of sharing. I stress the word healthier because they are not what I would consider nutritious snacks. Food in it's natural form is much better for you (fresh fruit, raw vegetables, whole grains, etc) and while I do strive to eat these things I am never going to be that kind of healthy person.
I am the kind of person who will lick the chocolate off the plate when I get a good chocolate souffle
I am the kind of person who goes and swims for 45 minutes and follows it up with a Cadbury bar, some Cheez It's and a diet coke.
I am the kind of person who tries to eat as many organic things as I can but doesn't think twice about a burger and fries at Wendy's
I am the kind of person who is never happier than at mealtime (my husband comments on this all the time)
What kind of healthy person are you?
Now that you know not to expect too much below is my new favorite sweet snack. I am an absolute chocolate nut and this is a good alternative to eating an entire chocolate bar. I start with Stoneyfield Farm Organic lowfat yogurt in Banilla in a bowl, slice half a banana in and sprinkle with Ghiradelli chocolate chips. Totally awesome.

The next one is a good salty option instead of chips or crackers. I do have to put some in a bowl or I can easily eat half a bag before noticing. Trader Joe's Unburied Treasure Corn Puffs in Sour Cream and Onion (the cheddar cheese is just as good too). At $2 a bag you can't beat the price either.
So in my quest for healthier snacks here are a couple that I have come across that I thought were worthy of sharing. I stress the word healthier because they are not what I would consider nutritious snacks. Food in it's natural form is much better for you (fresh fruit, raw vegetables, whole grains, etc) and while I do strive to eat these things I am never going to be that kind of healthy person.
I am the kind of person who will lick the chocolate off the plate when I get a good chocolate souffle
I am the kind of person who goes and swims for 45 minutes and follows it up with a Cadbury bar, some Cheez It's and a diet coke.
I am the kind of person who tries to eat as many organic things as I can but doesn't think twice about a burger and fries at Wendy's
I am the kind of person who is never happier than at mealtime (my husband comments on this all the time)
What kind of healthy person are you?
Now that you know not to expect too much below is my new favorite sweet snack. I am an absolute chocolate nut and this is a good alternative to eating an entire chocolate bar. I start with Stoneyfield Farm Organic lowfat yogurt in Banilla in a bowl, slice half a banana in and sprinkle with Ghiradelli chocolate chips. Totally awesome.
The next one is a good salty option instead of chips or crackers. I do have to put some in a bowl or I can easily eat half a bag before noticing. Trader Joe's Unburied Treasure Corn Puffs in Sour Cream and Onion (the cheddar cheese is just as good too). At $2 a bag you can't beat the price either.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Infantile Myofibromatosis
I was recently reminded of when my now 3 year old was diagnosed with infantile myofibromatosis when she was about 9 months old. This is a condition that comprises of fibrous lumps in infants or small children. The lumps usually appear as an infant and then disappear by 2 or 3 years old with no intervention needed. In rare cases the lumps can appear on internal organs which would require surgery to remove them or it could be dangerous.
This is a fairly rare condition and I remember scouring the internet looking for information but there is not much out there. I thought I would blog about my experience and how we went about getting the diagnosis.
I had noticed a lump on her back in the bath that was long and about 2 inches in length. I was not immediately concerned but when a long lump appeared under her arm and two round lumps on her lower stomach I took her to the pediatrican. The lump on the back and arm also had hair growing on it. My pediatrician did not know what they were and referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist took a lump biopsy and the lab came back with the diagnosis of Infantile Myofibromatosis. I was then referred to a Pediatric Dermatologist.
There was only one Pediatric Dermatologist in the immediate area and he couldn't get Morgan in until two months away. He also did not take medical insurance (or at least not my Aetna). I told the receptionist to ask the Dr if he would be willing to squeeze in a case of Infantile Myofibramatosis, knowing it was rare and that he would want to see it for himself. Low and behold an appointment was made for a week away :-) The Ped Derm Dr admitted that he had only seen two cases of it in his medical experience and knew about as much as we did about the disease (which was quite a lot by then because I had read everything I could find). He told us to go to a Pediatric Oncologist and have them check her over.
We took Morgan to a oncologist in the area and she ordered a full body MRI to make sure that no lumps were anywhere else on her body or organs. We made an appointment at CHOP for the MRI and they had to put Morgan under to do the scan that took about 2 hours (she was now about 15 months). Fortunately, there were no more lumps than what we already knew about and we just waited for them to fade. Now, two years later, the lumps in her stomach are gone and the ones on her back and arm are very tiny (probably scar tissue from the biopsy).
We did go back to the Pediatric Dermatologist months later at his request to be a "Guess the diagnosis" case study for his interns. Morgan got a kick out of it I remember her standing in the room in her diaper waving two croissants that she got from the breakfast buffet in the office. She would giggle whenever the interns touched her lumps. I don't think they had a clue what was wrong with her :-)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Kayleigh Anne Freeman - Peace
I have written about this little girl before on my blog and my heart broke when I read that Kayleigh Anne Freeman passed away yesterday. I feel blessed and lucky that I have two beautiful, healthy children and will never take that for granted. Rest in peace Kayleigh and may your spirit live on in the people you inspired, myself included.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Swimming in Desperation
A few days ago I bought myself a new bathing suit, cap, and goggles with the intention of joining a local gym with a pool. I had recently taken up running as my new form of exercise but it is doing a serious number on my joints (ack! I am getting old). I had been a competitive swimmer for most of my younger years and I have to admit I miss the mindless, soothing act of stroking up and down the pool.
I have been mildly cranky lately due to my eight month old waking up 4-5 times a night for no particular reason. I have been relying on the half hour nap here and there to keep myself sane but today both children decided not to take their afternoon nap. So after I wasted an hour and a half trying to convince both of them that it was indeed time for a nap, I gave up. I positioned my three year old in front of her toys and strict instructions not to bother me while I had some 'quiet time'. I entertained the eight month old by throwing different toys her way and having a Baby Einstein DVD on. This did not work for more than five minutes and just when I thought I would take the car and drive away never to return, salvation walked through the door. Hubby came home early! I decided that I HAD to get out, but where to? I packed up my new suit, goggles and cap, threw a towel in my OLD swim bag and practically ran out the door (leaving hubby looking baffled). Fifteen minutes later I was feeling right at home in a heavily chlorinated pool with the ever present senior aquatic class next to my lane rope. Ahhh, home sweet pool.......
I have been mildly cranky lately due to my eight month old waking up 4-5 times a night for no particular reason. I have been relying on the half hour nap here and there to keep myself sane but today both children decided not to take their afternoon nap. So after I wasted an hour and a half trying to convince both of them that it was indeed time for a nap, I gave up. I positioned my three year old in front of her toys and strict instructions not to bother me while I had some 'quiet time'. I entertained the eight month old by throwing different toys her way and having a Baby Einstein DVD on. This did not work for more than five minutes and just when I thought I would take the car and drive away never to return, salvation walked through the door. Hubby came home early! I decided that I HAD to get out, but where to? I packed up my new suit, goggles and cap, threw a towel in my OLD swim bag and practically ran out the door (leaving hubby looking baffled). Fifteen minutes later I was feeling right at home in a heavily chlorinated pool with the ever present senior aquatic class next to my lane rope. Ahhh, home sweet pool.......
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