Monday, August 24, 2009

Mouse Update

I created a humane trap for our little gray visitor but unfortunately he did not take the bait. I set up the trap for a week but either he was too lazy to venture down the tunnel or too smart. I was afraid that if not caught soon our single mouse would quickly turn into a more serious infestation. So Mr Mouse has gone to visit the big cheese in the sky courtesy of a very fast (and hopefully instant) traditional spring mouse trap. I thank the hubby for taking care of this while I was away this week since I definitely would not had the courage to do it myself.
I would still recommend this idea of a humane trap to anyone that has a mouse in the house before you try to kill the poor thing. Here is a link to how to make your own humane mouse trap.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Of Mice and Men....or Dogs

We have a mouse in the house. I have not seen said mouse or heard any suspicious sounds but this is how I know:

Hubby insisted that the black small crumbs on my kitchen counter was indeed mouse poop.

The small holes in some bags of food on the floor of my pantry were not victims of Luke's constant mission of trying to eat himself to death but due to little, gnawing, mouse teeth.

I did see a mouse in our garage recently, probably was disturbed by the construction in the back yard and now it seems he has moved somewhere in the kitchen. Horrified by the thought of some little, grey, furry rodent invading my kitchen every night I have to trap the little bugger. Yes, this is me the animal lover. I realized that Libby, the dog that has attacked every type of small wildlife in my backyard, is slipping in her old age. The dog doesn't miss one leaf blowing by the window but is oblivious to the fact that her territory has been invaded by a active rodent. Ack.

So after a quick Google search I found a homemade humane contraption that will catch him and I won't have to deal with a dead rodent or one that is half alive stuck to a glue trap (ugh!).

I set it up last night but so far he has not taken the bait. Will set it up again tonight and will post when (if!) I catch him.