Frankly, I am surprised that women with children are not drunk more often. After a day full of excruciating conversations with three year olds and hours spent dragging the nine month old off of various objects I could easily dive into a vat of beer and spend a few minutes chugging but I digress :-)
I used to drink a fair amount on weekends (before children) and rarely touched a drop during the week. Now I am more
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likely to have a single beer after the kids go to bed a couple of nights a week and maybe two on a weekend night. It is not often that they do see me have an alcoholic beverage but that is not by design just a desire to savor my drink in peace.I feel that if you hide the fact that you do indeed imbibe responsibly you are doing a disservice to your kids. I am not suggesting that you get loaded in front of them but show them a good example of enjoying a treat (one that is for adults only). Alcohol is a fact of life after you turn 21 and lets face it, before that even. If you hide the fact that you drink alcohol or make it a mysterious subject you are only encouraging the taboo factor that will make it irresistible to kids.