I got a new camera for Christmas so I took a lot of pictures. I included a Quicktime slideshow of the pics. The quality is not so good as I had to compress it a lot in order to upload it. Enjoy!
I have always had a lot to say. What better place to put it but on the internet :-)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I would be a vegetarian if I thought I would get enough to eat. Anyone that knows me knows that breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks are my favorite part of the day. I try to buy organic foods when I can afford them and when they are available, especially for the kids. I do not believe that vaccines are what is causing problems in our children because that theory is based on a small study that has been refuted time and time again (Jenny McCarthy, give it up!). Rather the pesticides and chemicals that they digest on a regular basis as their immune systems are growing....but I digress.
I recently had the misfortune to read a couple of articles on the awful practices of beef slaughterhouses and the feeding of arsenic to chickens. Yes, I said arsenic! So now eating chicken and beef are just not so fun anymore. I am currently in the process of trying to find a local farm that may sell grass fed or organic meat in bulk. To buy this meat in the grocery store is ridiculous as it sells for four times as much as non-organic meat.
Anyone have any suggestions?
I recently had the misfortune to read a couple of articles on the awful practices of beef slaughterhouses and the feeding of arsenic to chickens. Yes, I said arsenic! So now eating chicken and beef are just not so fun anymore. I am currently in the process of trying to find a local farm that may sell grass fed or organic meat in bulk. To buy this meat in the grocery store is ridiculous as it sells for four times as much as non-organic meat.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I have not had a very close relationship in my life with God or religion. Not for lack of trying but I have always had a hard time with things that I can't see or feel and I have never made a meaningful connection. Sometimes you come across something that helps you remember what the important things are. This story of Kayleigh Anne Freeman has strengthened my faith in the good, strong things about people and family. Even maybe my faith in a higher power. I am a member of the September 08 birth club on babycenter.com and this is a story of a newborn that I have followed from the beginning of her birth back in June 2008. She was born at 1 pound 1 oz and has come through three surgeries to make it to over 5 pounds today. Unfortunately, she is not doing well now and her parents do not expect her to make it. Read their blog and be ready to be inspired, sad, and awed by their strength and love.
I will be offering all my prayers for this family and hopefully you do to.
I will be offering all my prayers for this family and hopefully you do to.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Binky Fairy Continued....
The Binky Fairy visited a couple of nights ago and left Morgan a new blankie and a movie. Morgan was fascinated by the 'pixie dust' left by the Binky Fairy on the mailbox (glitter) and the note that the fairy left. She has been doing really well without her binky and has only asked for it once. She is a little more hyped up at bedtime than usual but I guess that is because she is trying to figure out how to soothe without her binky. So I will claim the Binky Fairy to be a success!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Binky Fairy
My almost three year old still has a binky. I know, I know, horrors of horrors she still has a binky!! She uses it at night and in the car. I have had a hard time taking it away from her because she loves it so much and I can't think of a really good reason that she shouldn't have it. Contrary to popular opinion the binky will not mess up her teeth permanently unless they are adult teeth. I remember when my Dad and brother would hide my blankie when I was younger (they thought I was too old at six to still have one) and it upset me so much that I hate to do the same thing to Morgan. I do think that it is time now though as it seems to becoming more of a crutch than something soothing.
This is where the idea of the Binky Fairy came up. I saw the idea on an episode of the SuperNanny and thought this was a great idea. I want Morgan to give up the binky herself rather than me having to take it from her. So next week we are going to gather up all the binky's and put them in a special envelope addressed to the Binky Fairy. The Fairy will collect the binky's and give them to babies that don't have any. In return for Morgan's generosity the fairy will leave a gift in the mailbox. I will let you know how it goes.....
This is where the idea of the Binky Fairy came up. I saw the idea on an episode of the SuperNanny and thought this was a great idea. I want Morgan to give up the binky herself rather than me having to take it from her. So next week we are going to gather up all the binky's and put them in a special envelope addressed to the Binky Fairy. The Fairy will collect the binky's and give them to babies that don't have any. In return for Morgan's generosity the fairy will leave a gift in the mailbox. I will let you know how it goes.....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Product of the Week 3
I started buying Baby Legs for Morgan when she was an infant. They are like leg warmers for babies. They make diaper changes easy and are great for kids starting to crawl. I get so many compliments on them everybody loves them. Check them out.
I haven't posted in a while because I have been a tad crazed. Leah's first Thanksgiving was good. We ate at my Dad and Gloria's and the food as usual was delicious. I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would like as I had to eat with a baby in one hand. Oh well, at least I didn't have to cook.....I did make a chocolate fondue which was absolutely awesome. There is something about a huge pot of melted chocolate that makes me want to dip all sorts of things in it. Get your minds out of the gutter people, I meant food! It does make me wonder if spending all day cooking is worth it for the twenty minutes that people spend eating it. Hopefully I never have to host Thanksgiving, I would probably buy the turkey precooked :-) Speaking of precooked turkey's, the Jennie-O turkey commercials for their pre-cooked turkey's are hysterical! Click here to watch it.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Product of the Week 2
This week I am going to feature the shampoo that I got at the salon before the baby was born. I have tried a TON of different shampoos and conditioners (salon and drugstore) over my lifetime and this makes my hair so soft even I was impressed. It is called Healthy Sexy Hair Soymilk Shampoo and Conditioner. I have dry hair and this is great for it but I think the shampoo would be good for hair of any type. The conditioner is a little heavy so you only have to use a tiny bit. This makes up for the salon price of it though because it will last a lot longer. Smells fantastic too.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
After breastfeeding my first daughter for a year and currently breastfeeding my two month old, I am definitely an advocate for it. I enjoy it but I don't think that it is for everyone. I am not like those fanatical lactation consultants that I am sure every mother has encountered at the hospital (not all of them are like that, I can assure you). It seems that every time someone finds out that I am breastfeeding they feel the urge to explain to me why they did not breastfeed their child. I am not the breastfeeding police, I do not need to hear any excuses. We are all capable of doing it and rarely is there a proper medical reason that a woman could not breastfeed. If you don't want to breastfeed or you are not comfortable with it that is fine, just say that. Women should not have to feel guilt over a decision that involves their body nor should their feel the need to justify to a 'Feeder'. Stand strong with your choices!!
Ah Hah!!
Last night my two month old slept for nine hours straight. I had that 'bolt out of bed' moment at 4:30am when I realized she hadn't woke me up but she was still sleeping peacefully. Who would have thought my formerly cranky girl would have done this so soon? Makes me proud :-) My two year old made me proud yesterday too. We had to get our annual flu shots and apart from screaming down the place she sat very still like the nurse told her to and got her shot. Much better than the kid next to us who tried to run away mid-shot. Ow!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Here is my question, do dogs know how to push your buttons or is it just coincedence? Luke, my nine year old Golden, is driving me insane. Currently he has an E collar on and that alone is annoying me. He has no sense of how big his head is now and is constantly crashing into walls and doors. His food stealing habit is way worse and no matter what I do he is constantly cruising the kitchen and floors for food. Now he has taken to eating dirt. Not just dirt, mulch encrusted mud from the backyard. This dirt he chews on throughout the evening because it gets stuck in his teeth and sounds awful when he bites down. THis dirt also gets stuck in the e-collar and I am constantly cleaning it. On the upside, my other dog Libby is looking like a perfect canine right now.....
Product of the Week
I am always looking for the best of every product I use. Whether it be cleaners, clothes, make up, or baby items, so I am going to try to put a product that I love on here each week.
This week is Trader Joes. I love that store, healthy, tasty food that is not too expensive. Here are my two hands down favorite products.
Trader Joes natural peanut butter (smooth or chunky)
Trader Joes Caribbean Fruit Floes (the best fruit ice pop I have ever had and only $2 for four)
This week is Trader Joes. I love that store, healthy, tasty food that is not too expensive. Here are my two hands down favorite products.
Trader Joes natural peanut butter (smooth or chunky)
Trader Joes Caribbean Fruit Floes (the best fruit ice pop I have ever had and only $2 for four)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pro athletes
Last night I had the pleasure of having dinner with Sheldon Brown a cornerback with the Philadelphia Eagles. My boss knows him and I was invited along. He is a class guy. Likes to talk football like a fan not an expert player. On the field this guy seems gritty and determined on every play. Talking to him over dinner was like talking to a normal guy from the south that just happens to get paid millions of dollars. It was a nice experience.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It's a Miracle!

If anyone has a grumpy newborn I highly recommend the Miracle Blanket. As we speak, Leah is sleeping in it in her bouncy seat. At night she sometimes sleeps for six-eight hours straight!
Leah is finally starting to get in a routine of naps during the day. They are not at the same time or anything but at least she is sleeping. For the past eight weeks she has barely slept during the day (sometimes only 1-2 hours tops!). She has definitely been more difficult than Morgan and I have been so frustrated to the point of tears at least four days a week. It is a terrible thing when you get to the point of really resenting your children. The worst feeling in the world. Now she is starting to coo and smile and is generally much more content. Knock on wood. Now I have to go back to work in three weeks and I am sad that our time spent together was not all that happy.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
First Post
So, inspired by my friend Heidi's blogs I thought I would give blogging a shot as a sort of therapy. I don't have a whole lot of free time with an almost three year old and an 8 week old but this seems like a good forum to post anything I feel like but don't necessarily talk about.
I have always secretly wanted to be a writer. I read an insane amount of stuff and could give you an accurate, concise review of anything that I come across. The problem is that I am absolutely crap at grammar, organization, and original ideas. These items being the cornerstones of good writing. Oh well, so blogging it is.....
That's all the thoughts I have for tonight. Hopefully, will have time to post more because opinions are not something that I am short on.
I have always secretly wanted to be a writer. I read an insane amount of stuff and could give you an accurate, concise review of anything that I come across. The problem is that I am absolutely crap at grammar, organization, and original ideas. These items being the cornerstones of good writing. Oh well, so blogging it is.....
That's all the thoughts I have for tonight. Hopefully, will have time to post more because opinions are not something that I am short on.
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